Come Home / Gregory's Town / What's The World / Lose Control / Sunday Morning / Ring The Bells / Whoops / Government Walls / Walking The Ghost / Next Lover / Johnny Yen / Hymn From A Village / God Only Knows / What For / Sit Down / How Was It For You? / StutterSupport
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This gig was filmed for the legendary Come Home Live video.
Manchester Evening News
James are a phenomenon. Selling out the massive G-Mex centre for two nights in succession is no mean feat, especially when you haven’t even had a hit single. James fans are however not drawn from the ranks of fickle teenage youth, but from those fans with taste for a more intense kind of pop experience.
The seven-piece band fall clearly within the pop lineage begun by The Smiths, inspiring the same kind of passionate, almost religious devotion.
They certainly heated up the chill of the huge ex-railway terminus with some of their classic cult singles like Come Home and What For, which seemed to transform them a year or two ago from a student-type band to one with a massive groundswell of support – anthems of solidarity for alienated misfit youth, though plenty of them were alienated further through being cut off through the atrocious weather.
Unlike many of the Manchester bands, James’ lyrics, courtesy of the charismatic singer Tim Booth are intelligent and complex. But they can have a singalonga quality as well and the massed hordes sang with fervour to numbers like Government Walls and God Only Knows. In fact, Booth grabbed the camera from the crew filming the band and turned it on the crowd. They, said the star of the show, were the real stars of the show.