Rebirth? Revival? Second wind? Whatever you call it, James have thrust themselves right back into the fray with the release of their “Best Of” and the two new accompanying singles. In fact, the band themselves claim to be writing the best material of their lives, so it ain’t going to stop there. Headlining the Fleadh, platinum album sales, more hit singles – there’s time for world domination yet, eh fellas?
Listening to their new stuff, it’s hard to believe they’ve been doing their thing for nigh-on 16 years now. I mean “Destiny Calling” raised a fair few eyebrows (including both of mine) with its impassioned mantra and “Runaground” is probably as good as anything they’ve done to date. James sound fresh, happy and meaningful once again – which can’t be easy when you’re well, let’s say, “getting on a bit.”
In fact, the “Best Of” reveals just how utterly swoonsome James songs always were, they can still hold their own to this day – jostling for prime position in our record collections along such upstarts as Travis, Embrace and erm Oasis. Although they haven’t always been the epitome of cool, James have kept on churning out the soaring, heartfelt pop songs one after the other and now they can finally capitalise on their consistency. So whether you’re looking for a nostalgic night of top tunes from the past, or, like the band themselves, you’re looking ahead at what to come, James look like a pretty safe bet for a stomping night. The Fleadh it is then.