Saul is known among James fans for his raucous stage persona and his skill at provoking audience members into exuberant singalongs. In this interview, Saul shares his latest project
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Saul is known among James fans for his raucous stage persona and his skill at provoking audience members into exuberant singalongs. In this interview, Saul shares his latest project
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I don’t even play on every song, She’s A Star and Sit Down for example, I don’t play on those; I just get to sit and watch from the side of the stage and I have to admit there’s something quite magical about that because as band members we obviously don’t normally get that experience. Inherently the show is about the orchestra, choir and of course the songs and I think that is a different experience for all of us. It is really very special.
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James’ ability to evoke fragility and triumph remains a thing of wonder
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“We’re undervalued in Britain,” Booth says. “But I think that will change. Either when we stop, or when suddenly people go: ‘Holy shit – they’re still around and still making really good music.’ And when that happens,” he adds, “I think there’ll be a turning point.”
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You have to keep changing as people, musicians and as a band. You need to inspire and surprise each other, pushing and growing together. We are like a family, and like families there is a lot of love but also moments of disagreement. It’s essential to have good lines of communication and be able to have open and honest dialogue and not let problems become bigger than they need to.
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‘To Be Opened By The Wonderful is a nice retrospective with tracks from the early days like ‘Why So Close’ (1986) until ‘Beautiful Beaches’ from James’ latest and their most critically acclaimed album ‘All The Colours Of You’ (2021). Other impressive reworks are ‘We’re Gonna Miss You’ (now we know where The Slow Show got their sound from), ‘Tomorrow’ (with an amazing horns section) and the critical ‘Hey Ma’ (the boys in body bags coming home in pieces). We’d like to congratulate James with their 40th anniversary and with yet another great album.
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It’s the sound of James’ best-loved songs down the decades, reimagined with a 22-piece orchestra and eight-piece choir; pretty much most of their chart hits and other best-known moments are present, along with some lesser-known gems that will be well known to James’ most ardent followers. But it’s the grand renditions of Sometimes, Star and Tomorrow which stand out the most on Be Opened…; Laid and She’s A Star are ably adapted, too, and there’s a brand new track in the shape of Love Make A Fool.
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The band have certainly hit a sweet spot here, making some exquisite music. It could easily be perceived as a band having a mid-life crisis and being a bunch of pretentious wankers. Nothing could be further from the truth. Seek out this album, listen to it a few times and let it absorb into your soul. If I can’t convince you to do that, then at least listen to ‘Sometimes’ with the volume up high.
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However there isn’t a weak song on this album, some of the rarities are real revelations. It’s not something to put on as background music, it’s too good for that! I missed the recent tour with the orchestra, a fact I’m now bitterly regretting. James have always been at their best live, I’m guessing this was something special to see in the flesh!
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James have really excelled themselves, orchestrating a true time capsule of thought-provoking and memory-laden songs. One of the greatest bands of a generation keep getting better, and Be Opened By The Wonderful is the proof.
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It is clear from this latest album that James have no intention of slowing down. It will be fascinating to see where they go from here.
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So what are you waiting for? Get ready to be opened by the wonderful sounds of James and their double album “Be Opened By The Wonderful.” It’s a must-have for fans of the band and anyone interested in discovering their unique sound. With James’ experimentation, Joe Duddell’s expert touch, and the addition of the orchestra and choir, this album is an experience you won’t want to miss. Let James take you on a musical journey like no other!
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