Tag Archives: 1990s
February 1996
James reconvene at RAK Studios with Adrian on-board and Tim back to record the Whiplash album with Stephen Hague.
October 1995
The Booth and the Bad Angel album is finished in Liverpool with the assistance of Bernard Butler who tried to convince Tim to leave James and form a band with him.
June 1995
Tim records the basic tracks for the Booth and the Bad Angel album in New York.
January 1995
James spent two weeks in Westside Studios with Brian Eno.
November 1994: Black Thursday
September 1994
August 1994
James spend a few days in a “big barn” near Woodstock, working on new material. James play some small festivals in Oregon and Washington on the West Coast before the massive Woodstock II festival, Larry’s last ever gig in his first stint in the band.
June 1994
James return to the UK to play the Glastonbury Festival, Larry’s last UK gig in his first stint in the band.
May 1994
To capitalise on the success of the previous tour and the massive radio success of Laid, James return for a second tour of the US, playing at significantly larger venues than two months earlier.